

The Wiltshire Game and Country Fair
At Bowood this year we had weather! Whether to lie in the sun or shelter from the rain... Whether the tents were going to blow over.... Whether to wear our coats or keep in the shade. It was, to say the least, variable.

In spite of the rain lots of people came to talk to us - quite a few that we had met previously. Three special visitors were AJ, Mabel and Elsie, who brought their people, Jane and Carol, to see us. They told us that there were lots of other things to see at the show. Mabel was very clever - she found a comfy spot on Jane's mobility scooter, so she didn't have to walk everywhere.

In fact, we were so busy that the boss didn't take many photos, but we like this one which was our view from the Ceskymobile. We are so lucky that the Living Heritage shows are held in such beautiful places!

This was our last outdoor show for 2019, but we shall be at the National Pet Show in November. Our Jersey friends are coming over for the weekend, and we have an adorable little girl joining our team as well - so do come and say hello.